How Did I Get Here?"

It's difficult to determine the starting point to this journey. As some would say, "where do I begin"? How far back on the family tree do I go? In an effort to keep this short and sweet I'll give you the abbreviated version to my story. I always enjoyed Cliff Notes 😉 My maternal grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer in her early 40's. She battled this disease while raising 4 children in rural Kentucky with science and data that only the 1960's could provide. It eventually took her life a few years later, just a few months before my parents were married. Fast forward and amidst the global pandemic in 2020 my sister discovered she had breast cancer. She was also in her early 40's. We are blessed to say her treatments worked and she is cancer free! When my sister received her diagnosis I had a long chat with my doctor. I was living in...